Hawai’i Film Permits and Insurance

Permitting in Hawai’i can be time-consuming, tedious, confusing, and frustrating if you are not experienced in the process and intricacies. Many popular places have multiple jurisdictions to deal with. State, county, city, specific departments, National Parks, water permits, the requirements for each, the costs of each, special wording on insurance certificates, how they overlap, and what they cover… excited yet?

FX-Group provides a pain-free experience by providing photo and film permitting as part of our Hawaii production services. Our experience allows us to quickly identify exactly which kinds of permits will be necessary for each location and shot list. We understand what will likely be required, approved, or denied before we ask officially so we can help you plan your shoot more efficiently and set you up for success. Our relationships with the various permit offices on all islands result in speedy processing. Our insurance and COI’s are already on file with the permit offices so can provide this for you as well. Or if you prefer, we can facilitate the permits using your coverage.